
Where can we deliver the package to?

We can ship to most countries in the world.
Countries not shipped to include: South Sudan, Palestine.

What shipping methods are offered, and what are the respective shipping times?

We have 2 different shipping methods: priority line and expedited shipping.

shipping Type Country or Region Arrive within 1-7 Days Arrive within 8-15 Days Arrive within 16-30 Days Arrive within 31-45 Days Average Time (Days)
Priority Line United States 49.90% 46.30% 0.93% 0.06% 8.3
Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France & Portugal 5.55% 74% 19% 0.38% 10.8
Russia 0% 0.75% 88.30% 9.05% 20.04
Australia 7.67% 86.60% 5.68% 0% 11
Korea 77.01% 21.40% 1% 0% 5.6
Japan 95.80% 2.09% 0% 0% 5.4
Thailand, Singapore & Malaysia 58.96% 41.04% 0% 0% 8
Other countries 40.75% 49.96% 5.13% 0% 10
Expedited Shipping ALL countries(EMS) 39.85% 50.09% 8.96% 0% 9
ALL countries(DHL) 90.15% 9.84% 0% 0% 4.48

Note:This is a general guide and delays maybe caused force majeure, natural disasters, inclement weather, war, public holidays, and factors outside our control.

What is the shipping cost?

The price depends on the weight of product, the origin, the destination, the shipping method and warehouses, and other considerations. Detailed pricing information is visible when placing an order.
Choose the correct destination and warehouse, then select the shipping method, to obtain an accurate shipping cost.

About customs tax

Taxes may apply for imported goods/services and is regulated by the country law. Sweesdirect  is not responsible for any tax invoice charged on its products. Shipping rates are estimates and may depend on different policies and tax rates applied per country. Please contact local customs for clarity and information.